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Brooklyn, New York, United States
Is it right to bomb an entire nation and kill innocent men, women, and children just because "Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa" and "Before the uprising, it was the world's 12th largest exporter, delivering more than 1.5 million barrels per day?" I think not! The Western Imperialists, including NATO and the United States, are ousting an effective regime because Libya is an "ideal" Socialist Nation and has enough oil to supposedly turn around our economy. Greed will destroy this new Roman empire undoubtedly! It is clear why they want Gaddafi out and to put in place a Westernized Puppet regime; because those 1.5 million barrels of oil per day aforementioned are distributed "mostly to European markets."

Read between the lines: "In a statement issued late Sunday, Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said they regretted that "this success was so long in coming due to the failure of the United States to employ the full weight of our airpower." "Ultimately, our intervention in Libya will be judged a success or failure based not on the collapse of the Qaddafi regime, but on the political order that emerges in its place," the two senators said.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, expressed a similar view. "The lasting impact of events in Libya will depend on ensuring rebel factions form a unified, civil government that guarantees personal freedoms, and builds a new relationship with the West where we are allies instead of adversaries," he said.

From the statements above, it is clear that the United States wants to put in place THEIR FORM OF SO-CALLED DEMOCRACY AND CAPITALISM in Africa!! We all know the deleterious effects both of these systems have had on African people. Moreover, the Western Nations are upset and resolving to methods of murder because the Revolutionary Leader in Libya has decided to keep the material wealth gained from Natural Resources in Africa and not let the land be exploited by Europeans as they did throughout the Slave Trade and Colonialism.

African People must Unite in order to combat the atrocities committed against our people. Unite in 3rd world solidarity. Libya is Haiti, New Orleans is Libya! Harlem is Zimbabwe! D.C. is Kenya! Africa for the African, at home and Abroad!! UP YOU MIGHTY RACE!!

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