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Hands off Africa!!

If for one second you thought that the attacks of Libya were about anything other than Western control over oil, think again! Prior to the attempted ousting of Moamar Gaddafi, which began about six months ago, Libya was considred one of the model states in Africa. The developing country had begun to realize great signs of economic and educational improvements, despite U.S. and Nato enforced sanctions.

In typical U.S./European imperialist fashion, the Powers of Nato and the United States have teamed up to remove the influential leader, Gaddafi, in order to control the land's natural resources, particularly oil. Gaddafi represents a real threat to Western Imperialism and Capitalism. He has proposed a United States of Africa for military protection and tighter economic relationships among sovereign African nations, donated hundreds of milliions of dollars for an African satellite system, so as not to depend on Europe for cell phone usage; improved the country's literacy rate from 20% when he took office to now 80%,free housing, free education, and $60,000 upon marriage. Moreover, one could argue that under Gaddafi's leadership, Libya has done a much better job of sharing the wealth than the capitalistic blood suckers in the good ole U.S. of A.

It is clear that the United States, through mass media propaganda, has sought to demonize the leader now that they no longer need his services and feel compelled by motives of greed and demagoguery to steal Libya's natural resources and rape the land, especially for its oil. As African People, we cannot stand idly by and watch the RE-COLONIZATION of Africa. While the leader of this country is of African descent, his allegiance, on this issue at least, is clearly with the European Imperialist powers. We, African people united in 3rd world solidarity as the "Wretched of the Earth," demand our Human rights right here, right now, and forever more!

Tell President Obama, the United States and NATO to keep their hands off Africa!! Drop Knowledge not Bombs!

All Power to the People

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